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  • Why: Genocide Where: Germany

    Soup made from cabbage rootstock


    – Water
    – Cabbage roots


    Boil the cabbage roots in water.


    “Food rations? Horrible. 12-10 decagrams of bread. It was supposed to be 15, but those cutting the bread stole some of it. So what we received was minimal. People would go to the fields and uproot cabbage roots to cook. They would add water, boil it, and that was the food.”

    *from Mannheim German Concentration Camp. Tadeusz Dworakowski. Shoah Foundation Institute Visual History Archive.


    The Holocaust is a genocide that everyone has heard of—6 million lives simply erased. From the Nazi rise to power in 1933 through the war, various methods were employed to exterminate an entire people. Systematic and almost industrial-scale killing on an unimaginable level, primarily carried out on Polish territories occupied by the Third Reich, using various forms of weaponry, often hunger. This was a planned, bureaucratized, and state-funded process of murder, rooted in pseudoscientific, eugenic ideas of a “superior race.” Starvation deaths were deliberate, targeting specific groups but affecting practically everyone—those imprisoned in camps, ghettos, occupied populations, and even soldiers themselves.

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