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  • Why: Penalty Where: Syria

    Assad’s Mint Soup

    • Water
    • Salt
    • Lemon juice
    • Dried mint

    “Water, salt, lemon juice, a bit of crushed mint. A meal for two people.”


    Madaya is a mountain town located 40 km from Damascus. In the past, it was a popular resort for wealthy Syrians. When the Syrian civil war broke out, many residents sided with the rebels. In response, the government regime and its allies besieged the town in an act of revenge. Madaya also became an example used by Assad to warn other rebel-supporting cities. The message was clear: “Surrender, or you will starve to death like in Madaya.”

    Hundreds of mines were scattered around the resort, the town was surrounded by barbed wire, and food and electricity supplies were cut off. Madaya became a prison for 40,000 people. Those attempting to leave the town or gather edible plants are shot at by snipers. A kilogram of rice costs around $90. On a car window, someone placed a note that reads: “For sale for 10 kg of rice and 3 kg of powdered milk.”

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