Water with petrol
In Libya, the smugglers treat you like an animal. There’s no space for water or food so they take as little as possible. In the desert, they add some petrol to water so that the smuggled ones don’t drink too much of it by any chance.
I was treated like a slave. I was to do all kinds of work: carrying stones or sand or cultivating the land. They never paid me for it. When I told them I was hungry, they shouted. They gave me water with petrol. Or they added salt to the water. Just to punish me.
In Libya, the smugglers gathered the migrants in warehouses. There were no water taps. I was thirsty. The smugglers brought two water bottles for everyone for 3 days. I wanted to have a drink but sensed petrol. The water was awful. They mixed water with petrol so that people would drink less of it. We were given a slice of bread with salty cheese (gibna) to eat. I was spitting feathers. We were given raw potatoes and raw, black and very spicy onion. Everyone had stomach aches afterwards. One day they came to take us aboard. The journey took 13 days during which we drank water with petrol and ate raw potatoes. We all fell ill.