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  • Why: Inflation Where: Venezuela

    Yuca fries from McDonald’s

    Venezuela is experiencing a severe hunger crisis. Data from the annual living conditions survey in the country (Encovi 2017) indicates that 80% of respondents reported having to eat less due to insufficient food at home. Furthermore, 60% stated that they went to bed hungry because they lacked money to purchase food. This situation has catastrophic implications for public health, as 64.3% of people admitted to losing an average of 11.4 kg in 2017, with the poorest suffering the most.

    The survey also reveals other concerning trends:

    • The size and quality of traditional meals have significantly deteriorated.
    • 90% of people are unable to provide themselves with daily meals.
    • 8.2 million people are forced to limit themselves to two meals a day or fewer.
    • Many people’s diets lack iron, vitamins, and other essential nutrients.

    In response to this crisis, Venezuelans are turning to less popular, previously considered “food for the poor,” products. An example is root vegetables like yuca (cassava), which serve as a cheap and versatile substitute for potatoes. Yuca, whether boiled or fried, has gained such popularity that McDonald’s replaced potato fries with yuca fries in its Venezuelan menu in 2015.


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